10 Guidelines for better communication with your partner

Advice to Partners –

  1. Everyone is different, with different expectations. Be patient with each other.
  2. A relationship needs to be worked at constantly by the parties. It deteriorates if the parties don’t work at it. And it grows if the parties look after each other.
  3. Avoid criticising or blaming your partner. Rather don’t speak if you are about to say something mean.
  4. The thing you can most control in the relationship is YOU. Control your negative reactions, and control the way you talk to your partner. You will be surprised how much your improved attitudes can help the relationship.
  5. Be forgiving. Do not hold onto past grievances. It prolongs the pain.
  6. If you have done something to upset your partner, apologise. Our pride gets in the way too often.
  7. And if your partner has upset you, and apologises, accept their apology readily.
  8. Good Communication is vital. Ensure your partner feels he or she is able to communicate to you about anything. Bad, ill-tempered communication prevents discussion, and limits the things we can share.
  9. Show appreciation frequently to your partner. They are trying to share their life with you.
  10. Treat your partner with respect. We treat strangers with respect, but we tend to take our partner for granted, and not try hard enough. That needs to be reversed.

These Guidelines need to be practised. It is not so easy to change your behaviour in minutes. But- as you start to improve, you should find it easier to influence the relationship positively.

You are enormously important to the success of the relationship.

Best wishes for your success. Keep on practising the guidelines. If you make any mistakes, decide to do better next time. Keep trying.


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Henry Blumenthal.